Coronavirus news
Balearic government set to introduce new restrictions
Face masks may have to be worn in all public areas
The Balearic government is planning to introduce new restrictions following a rise in the number of Covid cases across the island.
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Many people will not return to wearing masks in the open air, for several reasons, not least that now the sancions cannot result in fines. If they want to reduce contagion rates the only effective way is to ban tourists, at least until we're all vaccinated here. The mistake was Sra Armengol allowing tourists in without tests, and that's not something that residents should be punished once again for.
I was just thinking the other day that it seemed the government had decided to tackle this thing head on, infections and hospital admissions had risen but barely a death reported. The vaccine seemed to be protecting the vulnerable and was it now the time to go for herd immunity? The incidence rate may be sky rocketing but it is having minimal effect on health, BTW, what is 'preliminary health care' , is it a health visit to check on how the patient feels? Please tell us. We keep finding out new things about the vaccines efficacy every day. It is a new vaccine so we can't expect to be able to give 100% assurances as to what it will do, to the virus as well as us. Lets face it the vaccine has failed to live up to what we were promised and the virus keeps mutating so we will never win, it's like flu, the vaccine for that year is made months before the flu season based upon educated guess work, if they get it wrong we have a bad flu year and very high mortality rate. If deaths and hospitalizations were substantially rising I can see the point but the figures as they are don't warrant an increase in restrictions, they only delay herd immunity. One more thing, Olaf , history shows us that millions of people have died to fight tyranny and have their liberty.
I start to think that restrictions are created for wrong reasons. When I talk to people, many say that all this drama seems ridiculous but they don't want to speak up because of fear of being judged or having problems with Law or at work. I think this shows it already went to far... I don't think media helped with giving correct information... Where is the actual flu, which was different every other summer, which was always dangerous for people with predetermined conditions or elderly and vulnerable. In these times it's important to think straight, do independent research and simply look around. Looking after yourself and basic hygiene has always been recommended. Let's hope that Human Rights Lawyers and activists do the rest.
Anyone must realise face masks are an essential part of life now. It should be mandatory in all public places including streets. As we all know the Ayuntamiento loves making money so why not fine those who insist not wearing masks especially those who are under nose, chin or elbow wearers. Sick of Covid deniers.
Good me I will be wearing face mask. It is only comments to wear a mask.
What a joke, I will not be putting a mask on outside in the fresh air. This obsession with the mask is ridiculous. It serves no purpose outside.
Very few Brits are going to wear face masks in searing heat and will cancel their trip to Majorca and rebook to Portugal or Italy Financial madness from the Balearic Government
Dropping face masks outside was permitted under the Condition that people would still use them in crowded places or if they could not maintain a secure distance of 1.5 meter. Too many people are unable to process this information. Now they will have to wear it all the time, because either theiy abused this very welcome liberty at the expense of other more sober people, or because they were too silly to understand it.
I urge you all to think critically about what you are seeing. We know now, that masks do next to zero in preventing transmission of covid 19. We know now, that there hasn’t been a zero case of covid being caught on busy beaches. We know now, that it’s one rule for us, and one rule for them. Again, I urge you all, to look around, and really think about what’s going on. We are running out of time.
this is ridiculous, do they really think a facemask in all public spaces will work??? I really really hope this government get kicked out soon, they don't have any clue where things goes wrong here on the island, what a joke... goodbye season, thanks for another 2 months work, so I can build up a future here, I guess I will have to kiss goodbye Mallorca, they make it impossible for most of us to build up something here, it is out of control.... they rather see us going bankrupt, and starve to death, because they do so their best to protect us from the RONA VIRUS... gtfo