Coronavirus news

Drop in the number of Covid cases

Local ministry for health reports 493 new cases

The government is preparing new restrictions in public areas. | EMANUELE VALERI


The number of cases of the coronavirus in the islands contiues to fall with the local ministry for Health reporting 493 cases in the last 24 hours. This is the third day in which the figures have been falling.

According to official figures there are 149 people in local hospitals undergoing treatment for Covid, of whom 31 are in intensive care units.

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In Mallorca in the last 24 hours there have been 391 new cases, in Minorca there were 11 new cases and in Ibiza 90 new cases. There was one new case in Formentera.

As regards vaccination 66 percent of people have received a single jab (53 percent have received both jabs).