Coronavirus news
Get vaccinated! 80 percent of new Covid cases in Spain involve people who haven´t had the jab
Spain is the third fastest country in vaccinating its population
The vast majority of new COVID-19 cases in Spain in the past five weeks were detected among non-vaccinated people, Health Minister Carolina Darias said on Monday, as new infections rose by 27,286.
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Francois- Those who honestly believe, after 18 months, that Covid doesn't exist, are part of the problem. Ignorance truly is bliss.
That's the trouble when someone like truthoverbrains gets misinformation to spread about and won't take advice on doing his own research.
No he wasn't Juan, you are literally just making things up. But lets just pretend for one second he was talking specifically about HIV, then why on earth are we using the PCR to test for live Covid virus? If it isnt fit for purpose? This is what people do though, they concentrate so hard on one thing, lets discuss some other matters. According to Moderna's own website, their MRNA tech is described as .Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.' Or we could discuss the fact that these 'vaccines' are still in their trial phase, and currently unlicensed. Lets take a look at Pfizers website for help on this... 'The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has not been approved or licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)' This means that if you have an adverse reaction as many, many have, you cant complain to anyone about it. 'Estimated Study Completion Date - May 2, 2023' This means that anyone who takes the vaccine, is literally part of the trial. Or we could talk about how google have invested directly into the astra zeneca oxford vaccine, and thats why your seeing so much censorship on youtube etc? Do you have any input on any of this?
Whoa, so that one friend of mine who died of Covid and two others who were hospitalized is the result of a hoax? Darn, you can't make this up, wait till I tell his widow and their partners...
How many more times? He was speaking SPECIFICALLY about Aids/HIV. This does not apply to all Viruses - namely Covid. Interpret it all you like, there was more to the speech than you like to understand.
I think I caught covid from receiving my second vaccine . I have never seen such a disorganized situation when proceeding with my second vaccine which I didn’t even want to have but I need to travel . Hours of standing in line ,even though I had a cita prive , hours waiting in line for the certificate to travel . No social distancing in the lines waiting to be injected on 20th July , 2021. No parking in the car park .. gad to park the car outside on the side of the road like all the others and managed to get a ticket . Of mallorca wants people to take the vaccine I suggest they organize themselves amd protect the public by not allowing them to stand huddled in lines waiting to be attended . The line to receive the papers o one could travel took me 1.15,minutes agsin , no social distancing and masks falling down etc . This island is totally disorganized and as far as I am concerned the closest I came to covid was whilst trying to get my vaccine . Four hours later I arrived home and have been in bed since as my reaction was very bad to the vaccine which I understand can happen to people but I have never seen such a disorganized system . Mallorca WAKE UP ! You want us to have the vaccine then be organized and don’t put the public at danger whilst trying to be vaccinated .
Once again, every single thing I have said, same as a few others on this thread, is factual, and can be researched in under 5 minutes. IF YOU CAN JUST PRY YOUR SELF AWAY FROM THE NARRATIVE. Juan, Kary Mullis specificlaly says, and i quote 'with pcr, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in allows you to take a very minuscule amount of anything and make it measurable, and then talk about it like its important.....pcr is a proccess thats used to make a whole lot of something out of something.... it doesn't tell you if your sick.' At some point you have to start putting the dots together yourselves guys. My offer always stands, if anyone would like to talk about this in an open setting, like adults, my door is always open. I notice no one has questioned the government document I mentioned earlier? Once again, I urge anyone reading this to do your own research, that means moving away from the television, facebook, twitter, youtube etc, ignore the main stream media, you are being lied to. The odd few people on here are hell bent on making you as fearful of the world as them. DO NOT FALL FOR IT, Go outside, speak to real humans, smile, see how much of a pandemic you can see with your own eyes.
It's okay, that's probably the last you will from him now. These people usually appear from nowhere, write their toxic nonsense, then as soon as you start to question it, you never hear from them again. It's always the same with this lot.
MDB I suggest you get a grip on what you are posting on this website. Truthoverbrains needs moderating guys.
That incredibly shortened 2 minute video of Kary talking, does not refer once to testing for Covid. As I mentioned earlier, in this lecture he was speaking about Aids / HIV. The fact he also died 1 year before Covid was even first discovered, kind of tells you he wasn't ever referring to it.