Coronavirus news

Balearics have the highest percentage of vaccinated students in Spain

Decisions to be taken on classroom teaching

Over 90,000 people aged 12 to 19 in the Balearics. | Efe


The school year starts on September 10. By then, it is estimated that 70% of students over the age of 12 in the Balearics will have had the full course of vaccination (Pfizer or Moderna). At present, 44% of young people between the ages of 12 and 19 have been vaccinated twice. This is the highest percentage among Spanish regions and well above a national average of 15%.

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There are 95,500 people in this age range in the Balearics; 65% of them have so far had at least one dose of vaccine. As well as secondary school pupils, the age range includes Baccalaureate, vocational training and university students. Of the 12-15 age group, 30% have had the full course and 58% at least one dose. For 16 to 19, the figures at present are 61% and 73% respectively.

With the vast majority of teachers and tutors having been vaccinated twice, the situation ahead of the academic year for schools and other centres of education is clearly very different to what it was this time last year. On Wednesday, the national education ministry and regional ministries will be considering the approach to teaching. The Spanish and Balearic governments both favour face-to-face classroom teaching. For the last school year, there was a mix of remote and classroom teaching for secondary schools and for Baccalaureate.