Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Wednesday

Test rate staying below five per cent

The Covid pressure on primary care is coming down significantly. | Jaume Morey


The Balearic health ministry reports 164 new positive cases of coronavirus, 38 fewer than on Tuesday. By island, these cases are Mallorca 142, Ibiza eight, Minorca 14, Formentera zero. On Tuesday, the numbers per island were: Mallorca 178, Ibiza 5, Minorca 17, Formentera 2.

The test rate is 4.56% (3,596 tests), compared with 4.67% (4,325 tests) on Tuesday. The seven-day test rate for the Balearics is 5.67%; it was 5.86% on Tuesday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 400.8 (down from 415.4); in Mallorca it is down from 393.0 to 379.1. On the other islands - Minorca down from 312.6 to 283.4; Ibiza down from 616.5 to 605.3; Formentera remains 394.8. The seven-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is down from 175.32 to 171.4.

The 14-day incidence by age group - Under-16, 484.71 (down from 501.45); 16-29, 601.08 (637.87); 30-39, 486.31 (503.88); 40-49, 375.90 (385.60); 50-59, 273.82 (283.48); 60-69, 234.58 (243.11); over-70, 227.59 (up from 223.75).

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On hospital wards there are 159 Covid patients in Mallorca, 51 in Ibiza and five in Minorca. There are 13 fewer patients in Mallorca. In intensive care, there are 58 patients in Mallorca (one more than Tuesday), eight in Ibiza (down two) and four in Minorca (no change). The ICU Covid occupancy rate is 20.53% for the 70 patients.

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 6,693 people (down 427); in Mallorca specifically 4,945 (down 282).

Since the start of the pandemic there have been 94,922 cases. The number of deaths has risen by two to 909.

The vaccination programme - 814,441 people in the Balearics have received at least one dose (78.7% of the target population); in Mallorca 641,681. The number of people to have had the full course is 761,051 (73.54%); in Mallorca 597,603.