Coronavirus news

Over 200,000 doses of vaccine in stock in the Balearics

The pace of vaccination has slowed. | Miquel À. Cañellas


As of Wednesday, there were 211,048 doses of coronavirus vaccine in storage in the Balearics. Also of Wednesday, 73.54% of the target population had received the full course of vaccination. The regional health service says that, based on this stock and on the numbers of people who have either had one dose or no doses, it would be able to immunise 86.3% by next month. Given that some 77,000 doses are being delivered per week, it would be possible to reach 90%, the level now considered to be required for herd immunity, the Delta variant having led to an upward revision of this from 70%.

Juli Fuster, the director general of IB-Salut, accepts that there has been a fall in the rate of vaccination. This is despite the fact the Balearics is the region of Spain with the highest percentage of the 12 to 19 age group having been vaccinated.

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"We are trying to give the public the maximum facilities to get vaccinated and to reach herd immunity. We were the first region with vaccination from the age of 12. People have been able to get vaccinated without appointments. We have promoted vaccination among pregnant women. We have lowered vaccination for people who have had Covid from six months to one month.

"We continue to insist that people should be vaccinated and that they do not delay this. The sooner they are vaccinated the better. The Infovacuna service is calling people who have not yet been vaccinated. It is essential to vaccinate as many people as possible in order to reduce the aggressiveness of the virus."