Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Monday

Test rate below four per cent

Vaccination without appointment in Ibiza. | Marcelo Sastre


Monday's report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 107 new positive cases of coronavirus, thirteen fewer than on Sunday. There are 92 cases in Mallorca, 12 in Ibiza, three in Formentera and none in Minorca. On Sunday there were 94 cases in Mallorca, 18 in Ibiza, seven in Minorca and one in Formentera.

The positivity test rate is 3.73%, the lowest it has been for several weeks; Sunday's rate was 6.58%. The lower amount of testing at the weekend always has to be taken into account with these figures.

The seven-day test rate for the Balearics is 4.87%, down from 5.26% on Friday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 336.0, down from 362.9 on Friday; in Mallorca it is 320.2, down from 345.7. On the other islands - Minorca 238.4, down from 267.7; Ibiza 490.0, down from 527.6; Formentera 361.2, up from 344.4. The seven-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 133.67, down from 153.13.

On hospital wards, there are 144 Covid patients in Mallorca (down one from Sunday). In Ibiza there are 43 (down one) and in Minorca four (no change). In intensive care, there are 57 Covid patients in Mallorca (down two), ten in Ibiza (up two) and two in Minorca (no change). The ICU Covid occupancy rate remains 20.23%.

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 5,292 people, a decrease of 245 from Sunday; in Mallorca 3,915, a decrease of 105. The total number of cases since the start of the pandemic is now 96,016. The number of deaths has risen by one to 917.

In terms of vaccination, 820,134 people in the Balearics have had at least one dose (79.25% of the target population); in Mallorca 646,129. The number who have had the complete course is 776,053 (74.99%); in Mallorca 609,571.

At municipality level, the highest 14-day incidence rates are currently:

Costitx - 902.9 (12 cases over the 14-day period)

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Ibiza - 639.6 (327)

Inca - 546.3 (184)

Sa Pobla - 494.0 (68)

Es Migjorn Gran, Minorca - 478.5 (7)

Sant Antoni, Ibiza - 458.7 (124)

Santa Margalida - 437.6 (56)

Muro - 432.8 (32)

Alcudia - 432.3 (90)

Santa Eularia, Ibiza - 429.4 (169).

In Palma the rate is 368.7 (1,558 cases). Five municipalities have had no cases over the 14-day period - Ariany, Banyalbufar, Deya, Escorca and Estellencs.