Palma preparing for Car-Free Day

Car-Free Day in Palma. | Patricia Lozano


European Mobility Week is from September 16 to 22. In Palma, the 22nd will be Car-Free Day. The parking of vehicles will not be allowed in the ORA blue zone area between the Avenidas and the centre, except for residents who have the badge. This is one of the measures that the town hall wishes to introduce next year as part of its 'Palma Walks' plan.

On Friday, mobility councillor Francesc Dalmau said that Palma will be joining with "the community of more than 2,000 European cities working on a transition towards a more sustainable and healthy city model".

Mayor José Hila outlined activities planned for the week, during which the EMT bus service's Line 2 will be free. On the 22nd itself, all EMT buses will be free as will be the train and the metro.