Police operation as Mallorca starts weekend without nighttime restrictions

The restrictions were in place precisely to prevent the botellón

The police mounted operations earlier this summer. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


The Balearic government had said that there would be a special police operation this weekend, and special operation there is.

The nighttime restriction on social gatherings was lifted earlier this week - it was in force between 2am and 6am. The concern is that this will mean that there are botellón social gatherings. Despite being prohibited and subject to fines (which have been increased), the gatherings occurred as soon as the curfew was lifted in May. The nighttime restriction was a response to this and to what was a soaring incidence rate.

The operation in Palma this weekend will in fact be similar to police operations prior to the restriction. Industrial estates will be closed to traffic, and there will be police deployments in "hotspots", such as Playa de Palma and the Paseo Marítimo.

The police are calling on the public to comply with the regulations. There is an expectation that there will be the same influx of people as other weekends. "But we are clear that this is going to be different. We trust in the responsibility of the citizens."

While there is an operation in Palma, there is of course the rest of Mallorca.