Award for Tumi Bestard in Petra

Tumi Bestard tribute, Petra. | Assumpta Bassa


Petra has paid tribute to the Honorary President of the Sant Juníper Serra Association, Tumi Bestard.

For decades he has dedicated himself to spreading the word about the legacy of Sant Juníper Serra and on Sunday, within the framework of the festivities dedicated to Sant Juníper, the Petra Town Hall, the Association and the Casa Serra Foundation thanked him for all he has done for the Juniperian cause.

The pandemic has marred festive events that traditionally take place within the framework of the Festes de Sant Juníper, which is organised by the Parish Council and sponsored by the Town Hall and other entities. But activities and cultural events have been held inside the parish of Sant Pere.

After the solemn Eucharist presided over by Bishop Sebastià Taltavull, the work done by Tummy Bestard was recognised and he in turn thanked everyone for their expressions of affection. The Town Hall also gave him a plaque.

Throughout the day, flowers were placed at the monument to Sant Juníper and at 1900 there was a floral offering and the Puig de Bonany Group performed the traditional ball de bot dance.