Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Thursday, October 7

One more death has been reported

No details for hospitals on Thursday. | Teresa Ayuga


The Thursday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 32 new positive cases of coronavirus. Of these, 26 are in Mallorca and five are in Minorca. The ministry has been having "technical" issues, so the island for the other case has not been specified. On Wednesday, there were 43 cases of coronavirus - Mallorca 31, Ibiza nine, Minorca one, Formentera two.

The test rate for these 32 cases is 1.28%; the Wednesday rate was 1.70%.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 70.8, down from 72.4 on Wednesday. In Mallorca it is 67.4, down from 68.2; Ibiza 119.9, down from 125.8; Minorca 27.2, down from 30.3; Formentera 58.8, up from 50.4. The seven-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is up fractionally from 27.06 to 27.66.

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Information regarding Covid patients on hospital wards and in ICU has not been updated. On Wednesday, there were 92 Covid patients on wards - 68 in Mallorca and 24 in Ibiza. There were 27 ICU patients - 23 in Mallorca and four in Ibiza. The ICU Covid occupancy rate was 7.9%.

One of the available reports indicates that there has been one more death, which would take the total since the start of the pandemic to 963.

In terms of vaccination, 835,187 people have had the complete course - 80.7% of the target population.