All hands on deck for the Animals at the Eden Sanctuary

We are hoping to smash our target of 10,000 euros!

Nicole is the founder of Eden Sanctuary, for now based near Alaro. | Ester Roca Alvarez


We have had some amazing response and Palma Yacht Crew Run have set up an exclusive night of fundraising on Thursday October 14 from the yacht community on Mallorca.

We have been given donations from some huge companies and also smaller prizes from local businesses for a Quiz, Raffle and Auction starting from 20.00 at the Boathouse in Palma.

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All the sponsors will be there from 18.30 and Radio One Mallorca will be hosting the auction at the end of the night.

We are hoping to smash our target of 10,000 euros which is the last part of the funding needed for the land before the move begins and it will be all hands on deck.