Coronavirus news
49% of Spaniards in favour of Covid vaccination being obligatory
Just 5% said they hadn't been vaccinated
Over 80% of the target population in the Balearics has been double jabbed. | Archive
Madrid17/10/2021 16:30
The latest survey of attitudes towards Covid vaccination by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS) finds that 49% of Spaniards support obligatory vaccination, while 25% are against people being forced to be vaccinated.
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People need to let it go now. The virus is going away. All you create is division. People might be pro vax but alot of people don't agree with vaccine passports just to be included in society. Whether your pro vax, anti tax, or just dont care, everybody should be worried about were the vaccine passport could end up for society in general. It's designed only to control the masses not for your health. Get you head out of the mainstream media and look at the problems its causing all over the world. For example Australia, Canada, Italy, France to name a few. At the moment in Spain its pro choice and we are all living in harmony regardless of your opinions on the vaccine. I think it should stay that way. We know the vaccine immunity weakens around 8/10 months and you can still transmit. It's not really a vaccine more a treatment. Were does it end? Do we have to get pricked every year just to be part of society? Not a world anybody should want to live in.