Coronavirus news

Judge bins case against alleged Covid superspreader

Alleged superspreader talking to 'Cautro al Dia' archive photo. | Mediaset


The court case against a man who was charged with felony criminal mischief after allegedly infecting 22 people, including three babies with Covid-19 has been dropped.

On January 25, the defendant failed an antigen test at a health centre, but was not told to isolate. He went back on January 28 and took a PCR test, which was positive and he was told to quarantine until February 4.

On January 29, he informed his boss at Forn Can Tòfol and did not go back to work in the following days.

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The National Police launched an investigation after the bakery owner accused the defendant of deliberately spreading the virus to other workers and he was arrested in April.

The judge concluded that the defendant was unaware that he was coronavirus positive for four days.

The man was fired from his job at Forn Can Tòfol after 14 years because of the court case.