Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Tuesday, October 19

Daily case numbers weren't reported over the weekend

Test rate up to 2.53%. | Marcelo Sastre


The Tuesday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 75 new positive cases of coronavirus - Mallorca 40, Ibiza 28, Minorca six, Formentera one.

The Monday report indicated just nine cases, all in Mallorca, but this figure - the lowest for one day since July 2020 - was exceptionally low. The ministry doesn't now give reports on Saturdays and Sundays, but it was evident from Monday's overall number of cases that there had been significantly more than in the Monday report.

The Tuesday test rate is 2.53%. The ministry also doesn't provide information on the number of tests, but a calculation is that this rate was based on some 1,700 more tests than on Monday, when the rate was 0.73%. On Friday last week, the rate was 2% from 45 new positive cases

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 56.5. It was 56.8 on Monday and 54.5 on Friday last week. The Mallorca incidence is 52.0; it was 52.2 on Monday and 51.9 on Friday. On the other islands - Ibiza 99.5, the same as Monday but up from 88.9 on Friday; Minorca 28.2, down from 30.3 on Monday but up from 22.0 on Friday; Formentera 84.0, the same as Monday and up from 75.6 on Friday.

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Seven-day incidence in the Balearics is 27.91, up from 27.49 on Monday and from 26.55 on Friday.

On hospital wards there are 62 Covid patients. Mallorca has 47, four more than Monday. In Ibiza there are 15 patients, down two. There are 19 Covid patients in intensive care - 16 Mallorca (down two) and Ibiza three (no change). The ICU Covid occupancy rate is 5.5%, down from 6.16% on Monday.

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 814 people, eighteen fewer than Monday and a decrease of 75 since last Friday. The number in Mallorca is 580, down eight from Monday and 62 since Friday.

Since the start of the pandemic there have been 100,178 cases; on Friday last week the figure was 100,004. The total number of deaths, 971, remains unaltered.

As to vaccination, 83.26% of the target population has now had at least one dose, while 81.40% (842,383 people) have had the complete course. Since last Friday, this number has risen by 1,139.