New clash in parliament over migrants

Another exchange between Armengol and Campos on migrants

Francina Armengol in parliament on Tuesday. | Parlament de les Illes Balears


With over 300 migrants having arrived in the Balearics since Saturday, there was a further clash in parliament on Tuesday about the subject.

Jorge Campos of Vox questioned the cooperation between different public administrations regarding the arrival of migrants. He blamed President Armengol and Prime Minister Sánchez for "having consolidated the Balearics-Algeria route". "Its immediate effect is the increase in crime that is linked to this migration. They are not fleeing from hunger or from any war, most of them are criminals." He called for the immediate expulsion of migrants, the closure of centres for unaccompanied foreign minors ('menas") and the protection of borders.

The president responded by saying that Campos was full of lies regarding migration to the Balearics. Many people need to emigrate due to "poverty, death, wars, hunger". "We are calling for an international commitment to fight the mafias", stated Armengol, who added that the crime rate has dropped in the Balearics. Attacking Campos, she observed that "something will have been done wrong over these years of democracy if we have to listen to these racist speeches in the institutions". "We don't deserve it."