Almost 400,000 pets in the Balearics

Ferrets are the third most popular pet

Demographic trends leading to increasing numbers of pets. | Pexels


According to the National Animal Registry, which is managed in the Balearics by the college of veterinarians, there are 392,994 pets on the islands. Among these pets, 349,254 are dogs, 42,148 are cats, 566 are ferrets and 1,026 are other species such as fish, reptiles, birds and rabbits.

Mallorca has the most registered pets - a total of 313,173, of which 278,585 are dogs, 33,222 are cats, 487 ferrets and 879 other species. The data are not one hundred per cent complete as not all animal owners register dogs with a microchip, although this is mandatory in Spain.

In recent years the number of dogs registered in the Balearics has grown. The animal census indicates that 32,377 animals were registered in 2018. In 2019 there were 33,264 and in 2020 27,420. In the first quarter of 2021, 5,904 animals were registered.

In addition to the general decline in the birth rate in Spain, the average age to have the first child is 31.22 years. There is also an aging population. Social and demographic trends are therefore contributing to an increase in the number of pets.

Regarding cost, an average of forty euros a month is spent on pets. This takes vets' bills into account as well as food and other needs.