Ibavi houses in Mallorca. | Jaume Morey


A total of 7,343 people are waiting for public housing from the Balearic Institute of Housing, or Ibavi and 4,788 of them are in Mallorca.

A lack of properties and high rents are causing massive housing problems in the Balearics, but Ibavi points out that the waiting list was reduced by 10.3% in 2019 and 12.5% in Mallorca. In August 2019, Ibavi managed 1,756 homes and it now has 1,876.

"The goal is to have an extra 1,000 homes by the end of the legislature, which is perfectly possible because some are already either under construction or in the bidding phase,” said an Ibavi spokesperson. "When a person on the waiting list is first in line they can expect to have a home in about 30 days.”

Ibavi is also changing its registration system to prevent people being added to the waiting list if they don't qualify for public housing.