Covid kills Palma video store

Universal Videoclub, Palma. | Ultima Hora


The Universal Videoclub in Carrer de Simó Ballester in Palma is closing after 37 years and transferring all its content to a warehouse in Lloseta.

Pepe Massanet says the coronavirus pandemic and the boom in online platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and HBO was the last straw.

“The owners of the premises wouldn’t lower the rent during quarantine, so I offered to buy the shop, but they wouldn’t sell it. I am 58 years old and I was intending to continue working there until I retired,” he explains.

Pepe Massanet outside Universal Video Club, Palma.

Collectors have pounced on Pepe's immense collection which is being sold online.

This video store has been open since 1984, so the collection is colossal, we have 37,000 movies on DVD and 15,000 on Blu-ray," he says. "A lot of people are looking for titles that are not available on streaming platforms."

Demand for old movies has skyrocketed and so has the price.

“I have sold 70,000 films on VHS and I sold the last 300 titles to an antique dealer for 1,800 euros,” he adds. “Some old films are selling for 80 euros each."