Coronavirus news

Balearics have lowest percentage of total population vaccinated

The target population percentage is obviously higher

The Balearics have generally been behind other regions ever since the vaccination started. | Efe


In ten regions of Spain, more than 80% of the total population has been vaccinated at least once. Asturias (85.7%) and Galicia (85.4%) lead the way. The region with the lowest percentage is the Balearics with 73%.

There is further relaxation of restrictions in various regions, despite the incidence having risen slightly in thirteen. In Catalonia, for example, capacity restrictions apply only to discos and similar activities indoors, such as concerts with standing audiences; these can have up to 80% capacity.

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In the Balearics, the government is due to make an announcement on Monday regarding the remaining restrictions.

With the vaccination almost reaching its ceiling, regions are continuing efforts to attract the more than four million people, mainly between 12 and 59, who have yet to be vaccinated. Nationwide, there were some 100,000 jabs on Wednesday. Little by little, people are still being vaccinated.

* Total population is one thing. In terms of the target population in the Balearics, 83.43% have had at least one dose and 81.58% the complete course.