ITV vehicle inspections in 24 hours in Mallorca

ITV Station in Mallorca. | P. Pellicer


A year ago the average waiting time for an ITV vehicle test in Mallorca was around 3 months, 6 months ago it was 20 days and now tests are being done within 24 hours at all stations, except Inca where drivers usually have to wait around 2 days.

“The drastic reduction in ITV waiting times shows that we have met the challenge and we are proud to have achieved this during such a complicated legislature, when we had to close the stations for three months because of Covid,” said Mobility Councillor and Head of the service, Iván Sevillano.

Record of Inspections

The Consell de Mallorca expects a record 437,000 inspections to be carried out by the end of this year. In 2020, more than 63,000 tests were postponed because of the Covid pandemic.

There are ITV stations in Palma, Inca and Manacor and in December last year a temporary station was opened in Magalluf to help tackle the backlog.

Councillor Sevillano says the Magalluf premises will remain open until the new ITV station opens in Son Bugadelles at the end of 2022, to make sure waiting times are kept under control.