Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Monday, October 25

Lower numbers of positive cases are typically reported on a Monday. | Efe


The Monday report from the health ministry indicates 32 new positive cases of coronavirus, 31 of them in Mallorca, with one in Ibiza. There is no comparison with Sunday, as the ministry doesn't issue reports over the weekend. The 32 cases will probably reflect a lower amount of testing. On Friday, there were 56 cases - Mallorca 50, Ibiza four, Minorca two. The test rate for the 32 cases is 1.98% compared with 2.40% on Friday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics has risen from 62.1 on Friday to 66.0. The Mallorca incidence is 61.8, up from 57.1; Ibiza 106.0, down from 113.9; Minorca 45.0, up from 28.2; Formentera 42.0, down from 50.4. Seven-day incidence in the Balearics is 37.05, up from 34.14.

In the municipalities, three are currently categorised as being "high risk" for Covid - a 14-day incidence of 150 and above. These are Sencelles, 178.0 (six cases over the 14-day period); Felanitx, 164.8 (30 cases); and Pollensa, 162.1 (27 cases).

Twenty-eight of the 67 municipalities in the Balearics are defined as "new normality" - zero incidence or below 25. These are Selva (24.5), Ses Salines (19.6), Bunyola (14.5), and all on zero - Algaida, Ariany, Banyalbufar, Binissalem, Buger, Ciutadella (Minorca), Consell, Costitx, Deya, Es Migjorn Gran (Minorca), Escorca, Esporles, Estellencs, Ferreries (Minorca), Fornalutx, Lloret, Llubi, Maria de la Salut, Porreres, Puigpunyent, Sant Joan, Sant Llorenç, Santa Eugenia, Sineu, Valldemossa.

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The number of Covid patients on wards has risen by two to 53 since Friday - Mallorca 38 (up two), Ibiza 15 (no change). In intensive care units, there is an increase of two to 22 - Mallorca 19 (up two), Ibiza two, Minorca one.

According to the ministry's main report, primary care for the whole of the Balearics is monitoring 848 people, which is the same figure that was given on Friday. In Mallorca specifically, there is an increase of 46 to 654. Figures for the individual islands suggest that there are in fact 914 people being monitored in the Balearics.

Since the start of the pandemic there have been 100,464 cases, while the total number of deaths remains 994.

As to vaccination, 83.48% of the target population has now had at least one dose, while 81.65% (845,017 people) have had the complete course.