Coronavirus news

More Covid tests in the Balearics as infections increase

Healthcare Professional performing PCR test. | Reuters


The number of Covid diagnostic tests carried out in the Balearics has increased by 35% in the last month, from 2,155 antigen and PCR tests on October 3 to 2,909 on November 3, because of an increase in Covid infections.

The cumulative incidence rate in the Balearic Islands is now 93 per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days compared to 78.4 a month ago.

On October 12, the cumulative incident rate fell to 56 per 100,000 inhabitants and in June it was less than 50.

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The Ministry of Health says fewer antigen tests are now being done and more people are being given PCR tests.

"The antigen tests are for people with symptoms and the PCR tests are for asymptomatic contacts," they said. "An average of 48 cases a day are being tracked, whereas the average during the pandemic was 91 a day.”

338 positive cases and 1,949 close contacts have been tracked in the Balearic Islands in the last 7 days and 86 of the contacts were positive.

It’s too early to determine what impact, if any, the All Saints’ Day long weekend may have on Covid infection numbers.