Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Tuesday, November 9

Four more deaths confirmed

Test rate up to almost four per cent. | Gemma Andreu


The Balearic health ministry's report for Tuesday indicates 108 new positive cases of coronavirus, an increase of 73 from Monday's 35. There are 74 cases in Mallorca, 25 in Minorca, eight in Ibiza and one in Formentera. On Monday, there were 34 cases in Mallorca and one in Minorca. The Sunday total number of cases was 48, and Saturday's was 70.

The test rate for the 108 cases is 3.82%. Monday's rate was 2.36%. The apparently steep rise in the number of cases may reflect a catching-up with testing. There was a similar rise - from 36 to 93 - on Wednesday last week, the Tuesday figure having been influenced by the public holiday on November 1, the Monday. The test rate also rose, but not by as much as the 3.82%.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 97.8, up from 96.4 on Tuesday. The Mallorca incidence is 91.6, up from 90.7; Minorca 147.4, up from 140.1; Ibiza 106.7, up from 106.0; Formentera 58.8 (no change). The seven-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 44.56, up from 43.62.

At municipality level, two remain at "extreme risk" for Covid (14-day incidence of 250 or more) - Mancor de la Vall, 458.1, based on seven new cases over the 14 days; and Mahon in Minorca, 314.3 (93 cases). Two municipalities are "high risk" (150 or more). These are Porreres, 215.2 (12 cases) and Lloseta, 179.7 (eleven cases).

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On hospital wards, there are three more Covid patients than on Monday - Mallorca 28 (up two), Ibiza nine (no change), Minorca three (up one). The ICU Covid occupancy rate, which was 4.9% on Monday, is up to 5.8% - Mallorca 17 patients (two more), Ibiza two (no change), Minorca one (up from zero).

The number of people in the Balearics as a whole being monitored by primary care has dropped by two to 1,234, but in Mallorca specifically it is up 18 to 914.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 101,799 cases and 1,012 deaths. The ministry has confirmed four more deaths.

The vaccination stands at 83.98% of the target population having had at least one dose (869,046 people) and 82.29% the complete course (851,597 people).