Coronavirus news

Balearics priority is vaccination, but new measures being reviewed

Minorca was placed on level one alert last week

The reopening of bar and restaurants interiors in Mallorca (with limitations) started in late May this year. | Emilio Queirolo


Health minister Patricia Gómez insisted on Tuesday that there are measures against the recent increase in infections and that these are being adapted according to the epidemiological situation.

In parliament, she stated that measures are reviewed every 15 days. In Minorca, she pointed out, indicators have led to the island being placed on health alert level one. Meanwhile, Gómez stressed, "we are highly focused on vaccination".

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For the opposition, the Partido Popular's Javier Bonet suggested that it will be bar and restaurant owners who are "the most affected" in the event that Covid restrictions are reintroduced. He demanded that the government doesn't wait "to see if the sixth wave arrives".

"Health planning is required. Most of the people are being exemplary, but they (the government) cannot return and crush us with more restrictions. Their incompetence cannot all be unloaded on the backs of the restaurant sector and the families."

Gómez responded by referring to the fact that the government "has provided aid to all sectors affected by Covid restrictions". She asked Bonet "not to make assumptions" about possible new measures, as the priority is vaccination. However, if there are measures, she assured him that "they have always been agreed and consensual."