Electricity prices more of a concern than a Covid new wave

Strong support for a third dose of vaccine

Covid less of a worry for Spaniards than prices. | Juan Carlos Caval


An opinion poll by the market research institute DYM shows that rises in the price of electricity and fuel and inflation in general are of greater current concern to the Spanish public than worries about a new wave of Covid infections.

November's poll finds that the price of electricity has 90.7% concern, whereas Covid infections score 69%. The price of fuel is 87% and inflation 85.3%.

The survey asked about vaccination. Ninety-one per cent of respondents said that they were vaccinated, while 7.6% stated that they refused to have the vaccine. With regard to the relationship between vaccination and political party support, Vox supporters had the lowest rate of vaccination - 82.2%.

Asked about confinement measures being adopted in Austria, 78.5% agreed that these should apply to people who have not been vaccinated.

As to a third dose of vaccine, 80% said that they would have this, the figure rising to 86.5% for those who are already fully vaccinated with two doses. Vox supporters were the least likely - 63.3%.