No New Year's Eve party in Palma

Three Kings parade due to go ahead

The second year in a row that there will be no New Year's Eve celebration by the town hall. | Miquel À. Cañellas


Palma town hall spokesperson and councillor for citizen participation, Alberto Jarabo, says that the town hall will not be organising any specific event for New Year's Eve. There will, therefore, be no celebration of the bells at midnight in the town hall square.

He added that the town hall is in regular contact with the health ministry and that, at present, it is likely that fiesta events will be able to go ahead. But those for New Year's Eve will not.

As to the Three Kings parade, he explains that this can be held but that everyone will need to be aware of the health situation as it is at the time and of recommendations that may apply.

For the Sant Sebastià concerts later in January, the town hall has so far confirmed seven of the fourteen acts. The concerts will be on different days. On January 21, for example, two indie pop acts in the Plaça Espanya have been contracted, one of them - for 42,350 euros - being La Casa Azul.

So far, the town hall has committed to spending 90,000 euros on the acts.