Reduction in VAT on surgical masks welcomed

Health sector calling for "responsibility" over Christmas

Why not a VAT reduction for all types of mask? | Europa Press


The Círculo de la Sanidad is an association of representatives of companies in Spain's health sector. Its president, Ángel Puente, has welcomed Thursday's approval by the Spanish government of a reduction (to four per cent) of the IVA (VAT) rate that applies to surgical masks. This super-reduced rate, down from the normal rate of 21%, will be effective until June 2022. It is a measure that other health associations as well as certain political parties have been demanding for months.

While the reduction has been greeted positively, Puente points out that it only applies to "surgical-type masks". "Others, such as those of type FFP2 or FFP3, have been shown to offer greater security to citizens in terms of transmission."

Meanwhile, Puente is appealing to the public to adopt maximum preventive measures and exercise responsibility "in order to be able to enjoy Christmas in the best possible way" and prevent infections from continuing to rise as a result of social and family gatherings.

"The vaccine and the recent approval for children of five and more is, without doubt, the best medicine. But precaution has also proved to have worked in reducing infections. We are in the last throes of the pandemic. Let's all make an effort to return to normality as soon as possible."