Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Friday, December 10

Fifteen more Covid patients on wards in Mallorca

Test rate now remaining above eleven per cent. | Josep Bagur Gomila


The Friday report from the Balearic health ministry confirms the upward trend in the daily number of new positive cases of coronavirus - 686, which is the highest daily figure since August 4 (638). By that time in August, the trend was downward from a July peak of over 1,000.

Of the 686 cases, there are 536 in Mallorca, 87 in Minorca, 62 in Ibiza and one in Formentera. On Thursday, there were 303 cases, which reflected a lack of testing on Wednesday (a public holiday) and when there were 295 cases in Mallorca and eight in Ibiza. A more meaningful comparison is with Wednesday's report - 530 cases, with 420 in Mallorca, 62 in Minorca and 48 in Ibiza.

The test rate for the 686 cases is 11.48%. This was 11.1% for Thursday's 303 cases and 11.63% on Tuesday (288 cases). No test rate was reported for the Wednesday 530 cases. The cumulative seven-day rate is 10.39% for the whole of the Balearics but is higher for Mallorca (11.51%) and Minorca (13.24%).

The 14-day cumulative incidence for the Balearics has climbed to 392.3. For Mallorca this is 398.8; Minorca 559.4; Ibiza 272.7; Formentera 75.6. The seven-day incidence is 178.8.

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In the hospitals, there are fifteen more Covid patients on wards, a total of 138 - Mallorca 125 (up 15), Ibiza eight (down one), Minorca five (up one). In intensive care, the total number of Covid patients remains 34 - Mallorca 29 (no change), Minorca four (down one), Ibiza one (up one). The ICU Covid occupancy rate is therefore unchanged - 9.9%.

Primary care in the Balearics is now monitoring 6,053 people, 512 more; in Mallorca 4,690, up 320.

Total number of cases since the start of the pandemic is 109,681. The number of deaths is 1,032.

Vaccination - 886,129 people have had at least one dose (85.63% of the target population), an increase of 1,146. With the complete course, there are 864,891 people (83.58%), 867 more.