Hikers find large glass dump near Lluc

Glass dump near Lluc, Mallorca. | Lola Olmo


An illegal landfill continuing a large amount of bottles and broken glass has been found hidden in the bushes on the Coll de sa Batalla hiking route near Lluc.

The Ajuntament d'Escorca and the Ministry of the Environment say they were unaware of the glass dump.

“Nobody has told us about this before,” said Escorca Mayor, Antoni Solivellas. “We will inform the Medi Ambient, who have the power to act within the protected area of the Serra de Tramuntana."

For many years, the restaurants in Escorca have been assigned an exclusive, locked waste disposal area and the collection truck goes door to door to empty them, to facilitate recycling.

The Ministry of the Environment has informed the Environment Agency, so that they can record the contents of the dump and try to clarify where it’s come from.

The Serra de Tramuntana was declared a Unesco World Heritage Site a decade ago, but there are still signs of a lack of environmental awareness.