The Future of the Paseo Maritimo

Image of how the Paseo Maritimo in Palma will look like once the remodelling is finished. | Files


The work contract for the remodelling project of the Paseo Maritimo in Palma was authorised yesterday. The estimated contracting budget is 43,167,607 euros (VAT excluded) with an estimated duration of 20 months. The works are scheduled to begin in 2022. This project aims to "improve the port-city spatial interaction and minimize the occupation of public space by vehicles". In addition, it will generate free spaces linked to pedestrian use and will promote public transport, improving mobility in general.

The works will see the reduction of the three or four lanes in each direction existing at present, depending on the sections, to only two lanes in each direction. The number of crosswalks will also be significantly increased, from the current twelve to the twenty-six provided for in the project.

As for public transport, the bus stops corresponding to the lines that pass through it will be relocated. It is also indicated that the planned section of the promenade "is compatible with a future implementation of a public transport system such as streetcar or bus rapid transit, on a shared platform". Another of the actions will be the construction of several retaining walls along the promenade, to solve topographical unevenness; as well as stairs, ramps and handrails to improve the connectivity of the promenade with the neighborhoods of es Jonquent and el Terreno.

The project also includes new lighting, wifi, street furniture and facilities for children's games, and the bicycle lane will be continued along the entire length of the Paseo Maritimo, paving it with coloured asphalt. Finally, the route will keep the maximum possible number of existing trees and palm trees, abundant flowerbeds will be generated (36,487 square metres) and the planting of about 2,000 new trees is contemplated.