Forty-six tourist tax projects have been completed

A surface longliner from the mainland that was detected in the Migjorn marine reserve. | Govern de les Illes Balears


Since the summer 2016 introduction of the tourist tax (sustainable tourism tax), 170 projects for spending the revenue have been approved. Their total value is some 260 million euros. Of these, 46 have been completed - spending of 42 million euros.

On Tuesday, the government said that these projects are for "caring for the environment, promoting sustainable tourism, caring for historical heritage and supporting scientific research, job training and access to social renting" - in other words, the six purposes for spending revenue as finally set out under the sustainable tourism tax legislation.

Of projects completed there has been, for example, the establishment of the posidonia monitoring project. Funding of 132,000 euros has created a network for information leading to "better management" of posidonia sea grass meadows (there are some 633 square kilometres in Balearic waters), which are "so important to the islands".

Another project has been the marine reserves programme, which involves increased surveillance in order to conserve the reserves. More than 1.2 million euros have been spent on, for instance, the purchasing of surveillance boats.

By October this year, the government had received 24.5 million euros of this year's tourist tax revenue. However, most of the revenue payment is to be settled next year, when the total forecast is for 140 million euros (to include 2022 revenue as well).

Of projects initiated since 2016, some have been spread over several years. The committee which decides on revenue spending has not been convened since 2019.