Hospital admissions soar in the Balearic Islands

There are twice as many in the ICU and five times as many on the ward as a month ago

Intensive care in Mallorca now at high risk. | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


Hospital admissions of people with COVID-19 have soared in the Balearic Islands and there are now twice as many patients in the ICU and five times more on the ward than a month ago, according to information provided today by the Balearic Ministry for Health.

Specifically, there are 53 patients in the ICU and 256 on the ward, while on 19 November (no data was provided on 20 November) there were 27 in the ICU and 52 on the ward. This has meant that the intensive care units are now at high risk, with an occupancy rate of 15.54 percent.

Another worrying fact is the exponential growth that is occurring in primary care, where the number of people treated has risen from 2,040 on 19 November to 10,418 today.

The fact that 81.84 percent of the target population of the Islands already have the complete vaccination schedule against COVID-19 has prevented many infected people from having to be admitted to hospital. The IB-Salut has pointed out that 75 percent of people admitted to the ICU have not been inoculated.