Coronavirus news
Balearic government orders blanket use of Covid passport
All bars, restaurants and cafes
The Balearic government has extended the application of the Covid passport for bars, cafeterias and restaurants. It will now be a requirement regardless of interior capacity. Until now, and unless an establishment has wished to ask for the passport, it has not been necessary where capacity is below fifty.
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Rich, it's down to MDB staff not doing their jobs properly by not publishing the comments.
Peter. In the early days of the pandemic many comments I sent were not published. They were no more controversial than comments that are now accepted. I can only put this down to the changing mood as regards government restrictions and the publics tiredness of the pandemic.
Varant: I appreciate your honest and open answer, if anything. Happy Christmas!
Mark, well said. Varant is a freak with no mates and nothing to do. Just ignore the little peon.
The last time I can remember times like these was in the lead up to the second Iraq war. The alliance (vaxxed) v Sadam and his weapons of mass destruction (the unvaxxed). We all know what happened there.
Peter, since March 2020, there is a massive worldwide propaganda campaign pro lockdown, pro masks, pro vax, in all mainstream media and social media, and they try to cancel all critics. Doctors who dare to question the endless wisdom of our leaders, are fired.
Varant, so you are saying that the social media platforms are being edited and modified by the governments of the world in collusion, seriously mate if that were the case none of your drivel would ever get printed here.
Mark, your questions are not without merit. I can’t speak for Rich or James but for my side I have no expectations from these posts and I certainly don’t have any illusions that anyone in the government will read these let alone consider any of this. But to your point, maybe it is for mental health purposes or venting but ultimately I find that we as the people have been oppressed and duped for way too long now so it is not surprising that we want to express our opinions. They are opinions and that is all; it doesn’t make us right or wrong but at least we can still for now have some type of free speech which is becoming a rare commodity these days. And yes, perhaps that is therapeutic in some way, so can’t be a bad thing can it ?
Jerry, unfortunately there is no correlation with science as anything that doesn’t fit the propaganda machine agenda gets thrown out or banned from social media. It is a do as you are told and don’t ask any questions rhetoric / mandate. Sad times indeed since as you point out quite correctly the COVID pass has had zero effect in helping the pandemic and some would argue that it has indeed had a negative effect by instilling a false sense of security amongst the vaccinated. Look at France which had had a COVID pass in place since May/June and look at their numbers. That is a single example but there are many more out there with the same outcome. It just doesn’t work and we have indisputable facts to prove that it doesn’t.
What I don't get is what the likes of Rich, James and Varant try to achieve, except behaving like kids who cannot have a sweetie. A their comments and kicking and ranting have no effect on anything. Like anyone in government in the Balearics or in Spain reads the comments of a poxy little newspaper made by some brits. So it must be a cry for mental help, as that is all it can be.