Coronavirus news

High Court approves new Covid passport requirements

Increased number of places for which the passport is needed

The Covid passport now needed for cinemas. | Jaume Morey


On Tuesday morning, the Prosecutor's Office in the Balearics gave its support to new requirements for the Covid passport, as had been set out last week by the government. Later on Tuesday, the Balearic High Court gave its approval.

From Wednesday, therefore, the Covid passport will be a requirement inside all bars, cafés and restaurants regardless of capacity. This applies to Mallorca, Minorca and Ibiza, which are all at health alert level three.

In addition, the passport will be needed, for instance, for gyms and other sports facilities, dance academies, all kinds of cultural and sporting events in indoor spaces, such as cinemas, circuses, theatres, auditoriums, concert halls, spas, and other enclosed establishments where cultural and sports activities take place.

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The court has also approved access controls for open-air events, such as concerts and folk dancing. In addition, barbecues at fiestas and outdoor areas for the consumption of food and drink are prohibited.

Regarding religious celebrations, these must at all times respect maximum capacities. People must remain seated and wear masks. For the Kings parades and the animal blessing processions for the Sant Antoni fiestas, the public will have to maintain social distance, and routes and areas for these events will need to be extended in order to prevent crowding.

As previously, proof of a negative test or of having had Covid are alternatives for entrance. For PCRs, this is no more than 72 hours in advance; for antigen tests no more than 48 hours.