
Mallorca Weather Forecast for December 29

Weather map for today. | MDB


Generally clear skies with some high cloud. Night temperatures in slight decline and daytime temperatures are still high for this time of year. A yellow alert warning has been issued for westerly winds with some strong gusts that could exceed 70 km / h in the early morning, decreasing to light in the afternoon.

Palma will have temperatures of between 12 and 20 degrees with plenty of sunshine in the morning and some high clouds later in the day. Webcam views of Palma cathedral.

A slightly colder start for Manacor with 11 degrees but temperatures could reach 19C by mid afternoon.

A blustery start for Pollensa with a low of 13C, but it should be sunny all day with a high of 18, dropping to 14 degrees in the evening.

Live feed from Algaida.

Minimum temperatures C for today published by the Met office-

  • 6 Campos
  • 8 Petra
  • 8 Manacor
  • 9 Porreres
  • 9 Alfàbia
  • 9 Campos, Salines
  • 10 S.Servera
  • 10 Santanyí
  • 10 Sa Pobla
  • 10 Artà
  • 10 Calvià
  • 10 Llucmajor
  • 10 Binissalem
  • 10 Sineu
  • 11 Escorca
  • 11 P.Sóller
  • 11 Muro
  • 11 Aerop.Palma
  • 12 Portocolom

Weather forecast for the next few days:

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