Specific Spanish government funding for posidonia conservation

Posidonia meadows proliferate in Balearic waters.


In 2022, the Spanish government will make its first specific financial contribution to the conservation of posidonia sea grass in the Balearics - one million euros.

The regional environment minister, Miquel Mir, says that in addition to European funds for marine biodiversity, the national ministry for ecological transition has allocated one million euros in the 2022 state budget for the conservation of posidonia.

He explains that the state has responsibility for marine matters, "but its contribution has historically been zero". This has been despite a Balearic insistence, not only for posidonia but also for nacra and cetacean conservation.

For terrestrial biodiversity, the Balearics will receive 4.7 million euros to be used to adapt forest management to climate change, for the control of invasive species, to prevent birds colliding with power cables and to improve signage in natural areas. "Now, there is also the government's commitment to territorialise funds for marine biodiversity."