Coronavirus news

Wednesday Covid cases number tops 2,000

Covid-19 cases for Wednesday December 29, 2021. |


The Wednesday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates that the number of new daily positive cases of coronavirus has exceeded 2,000 for the first time - 2,071. Of these, there are 1,586 in Mallorca, 312 in Minorca, 146 in Ibiza and 27 in Formentera. The 2,071 are 155 more than on Tuesday, when the numbers by island were Mallorca 1,625, Minorca 162, Ibiza 93 and Formentera six.

The test rate on Wednesday is almost identical to that of Tuesday - 23.76% as opposed to 23.77%. The seven-day cumulative test rate is up from 16.86% to 18.79%.

Testing in Menorca

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is up from 1042.1 to 1192.0. In Mallorca from 1043.6 to 1195.9; Minorca from 1093.7 to 1223.3; Ibiza from 1053.8 to 1199.4; Formentera from 369.6 to 546.0. The seven-day incidence in the Balearics is up from 530.3 to 635.3.

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On hospital wards, the number of Covid patients has risen from 229 to 243 - Mallorca (14 more), Ibiza 21 (down one), Minorca 8 (up one). The ICU Covid occupancy rate is down from 17.89% to 16.72% - Mallorca 49 patients (down three), Ibiza five (up one), Minorca three (down two).

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 18,406 people, an increase of 1,675; in Mallorca 15,099, up 1,506.

The ministry has confirmed five more deaths. The total is 1,066.

In terms of vaccination, 951,413 people have had at least one dose - 85.02% of the target population and 1,255 more than on Tuesday. With the complete course, there are 921,324 people (82.33%), an increase of 564.