The two reindeer in Mercadal street were damaged by fires. | Redacción Sucesos


The two men who set fire to Christmas decorations in Manacor have been sentenced to a suspended eight months in jail each after a speedy trial. The arsonists pleaded guilty to a crime of damage by fire before the judge and must compensate the City Council with 1,464 euros for the damage caused. "Vandalism is never welcome in Manacor," the Council posted on its Facebook page after learning what happened.

The incident took place on the afternoon of December 8. The two defendants went to Plaza Ramón Llull, Rambla del Rei en Jaume and Mercadal and Jaume Domenge streets with the intention of setting fire to Christmas decorations. A neighbour recorded them with her mobile phone and uploaded the images to social media which then went viral. In one of the videos they are seen destroying part of the wooden barrier that surrounded two reindeer that were in Mercadal street. One of the arsonists incites the other to place the burning wooden boards next to the figures: "Go on, go on!" he shouts.

The woman threatened to report them and they nonchantly left the area.

The individuals, who apparently acted under the influence of alcohol, turned themselves in to the Manacor Local Police and admitted that they had set fire to the Christmas decorations.

The damage caused was valued at 1,064 euros and the labour to fix the decorations amounted to a total of 400 euros. The defence of the two defendants reached an agreement with the prosecutor and they will not be sent to prison on the condition that they pay the 1,464 euros of civil liability and that they perform community service for five months.