Prison sentence demanded for man who killed his dog

The accused dragged the animal along the road of sa Rota, in Montuïri, in March 2020. | UH


'Flecha', a black mongrel dog, died after her owner dragged her with a tractor along a road in Montuïri. The Prosecutor's Office of Manacor demands a sentence of one year in prison for the man for an alleged crime of Animal Mistreatment. The Public Prosecutor's Office also asks for three years of special disqualification for the exercise of any profession, trade or commerce related to animals. The accused, 72 years old and of Spanish nationality, will not be allowed to keep animals in his care during this period of time.

The incident took place around 3.50 p.m. on March 4, 2020. The man, according to the Prosecutor's Office, was driving a tractor on the road of sa Rota, in Montuïri, with his dog 'Flecha' tied by the neck to the trailer of the vehicle. The accused dragged the animal with the tractor until it died by strangulation. A couple driving along the same road observed how the man dragged the dog tied to the tractor and began to honk the horn to warn the driver, who stopped after about 25 metres. The owner of the dog went to the back of the trailer and lifted with one hand the rope that tied the dog. He lifted the body and said: "I want it dead" and dropped it.

The defendant got back on the tractor and continued the journey with the animal in tow. The couple took a series of photographs of the tractor dragging the animal and the images went viral. The Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Guardia Civil took charge of the investigation and together with the collaboration of the Local Police of Montuïri managed to identify the owner of 'Flecha'. The agents went to the man's farm and located the dog's body next to a pen, next to a pile of manure, and alerted the Centre de Protecció d'Animals Domèstics (CEPAD) to remove it. While the civil guards were waiting for the arrival of those in charge of removing the body, the owner of 'Flecha' appeared. The accused explained that it was an oversight and that he had the dog tied inside a box in the back of the tractor, next to some piglets, and that the dog must have been frightened and jumped out.