Majorca tourism

Balearics had most foreign tourists from January to November

Mallorca and the Balearics were attracting most tourists in the summer. | J. J. Monerri


In November, Spain attracted 3,348,451 tourists, of whom 148,123 came to the Balearics. A rise of 637% compared with November 2020, this total was roughly half the number in 2019 - 298,630. The number of UK tourists was 15,072, very similar to 2019 - 15,393.

The Balearics were sixth in terms of regions with the most foreign tourists in November. The list was headed by the Canaries with 1,013,292, followed by Andalusia (485,504). In the Canaries and Andalusia, the largest market was the British - respectively 309,766 tourists and 93,504 tourists.

The slump in Balearic foreign tourism in November is of course a usual occurrence, but it was more marked than in previous years because at times in the summer the Balearics had been attracting a quarter of all Spain's foreign tourists and occupying the number one spot that has historically been reserved for Catalonia.

The Balearic dominance in the summer is reflected in the fact that the Balearics attracted the most foreign tourists over the first eleven months of 2021 - 6.2 million. Catalonia, with 5.2 million, would normally head the list.

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Nationwide in November, the British were the largest market - 597,548 - followed by the French (496,579) and the Germans (479,403).

France supplied more tourists than any other country between January and November (5.3 million), followed by Germany with 4.8 million and the UK with 3.9 million. The numbers reflect differing travel regulations in 2021, as the UK would normally be the market leader.

The total number of Spain's foreign tourists for the eleven months was 28.2 million. In 2020 there were 18.3 million and in 2019, 79.4 million.

In terms of tourist spending in November, this was 3,748 million euros for the whole of Spain. In the Balearics this was 163 million euros, 620% more than in November 2020 but down on the 188 million euros in 2019. The Canaries accounted for 36% of the total.

Over the eleven months, spending in the Balearics was the highest in the country - 22.8% of the total and 7,144 million euros in all. This was around half of what it was in 2019 - 14,700 million.