Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Monday, January 10

Hospitalisations continue to rise

Queue for testing in Palma. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The Balearic health ministry's Monday report indicates 4,198 new positive cases of coronavirus. These are 979 more than on Sunday. In Mallorca there are 3,711 new cases, Ibiza 340, Minorca 49 and Formentera three; 95 have yet to be assigned.

The test rate for the 4,198 cases is 39.54%, based on 10,616 tests, one of the highest numbers for daily tests so far reported. The seven-day positivity test rate is 35.70%, up from 34.61% on Sunday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence rate in the Balearics is 2463.8, up from 2158.9 on Saturday. In Mallorca this is 2449.5, up from 2134.7; Minorca 2749.9, up from 2489.5; Ibiza 2455.4, up from 2157.1; Formentera 1369.3, down from 1377.7.

The seven-day incidence in the Balearics is 1030.1, up from 848.3 on Saturday.

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On hospital wards, there are 302 Covid patients, ten more than on Sunday - Mallorca 264 (+11), Ibiza 28, Minorca 10 (-1). In intensive care units, the Covid occupancy rate is 23.16%, up from 22.87% (one more patient to a total of 79) - Mallorca 69 (+1), Ibiza six (+1), Minorca four (-1).

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 43,581 people, an increase of 4,568. In Mallorca, 35,396, an increase of 3,723.

Since the start of the pandemic, there have been 156,776 cases. The ministry has confirmed one more death - the total is 1,074.

Vaccination - 964,123 people have had at least one dose, 86.15% of the target population and 987 more than on Sunday; with the complete course, 928,537, 82.97% and 361 more.