Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Tuesday, January 11

More than 13,000 tests in a day. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The Tuesday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 4,659 new positive cases of coronavirus, 461 more than on Monday.

In Mallorca there are 3,546 cases; Ibiza 601, Minorca 333, Formentera 25 (the rest are so far unassigned). On Monday there were 3,711 cases in Mallorca, 340 in Ibiza, 49 in Minorca and three in Formentera.

The test rate for Tuesday is 36.65% from over 13,000 tests. The Monday rate from 10,600 tests was 39.54%. The seven-day positivity test rate is up from 35.70% to 36.13%.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 2543.2, up from 2463.8 on Monday. Mallorca 2504.2, up from 2449.5; Minorca 2815.7, up from 2749.9; Ibiza 2676.7, up from 2455.4; Formentera 1638.1, up from 1369.3.

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The seven-day incidence in the Balearics is up from 1030.1 to 1113.0.

On hospital wards, there are 311 Covid patients, nine more than on Tuesday - Mallorca 271 (+7), Ibiza 28, Minorca 12 (+2). The ICU Covid occupancy rate is down from 23.16% to 22.29%, three fewer patients - Mallorca 67 (-2), Ibiza five (-1), Minorca four.

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 46,923 people, an increase of 3,342; in Mallorca 38,088, an increase of 2,692.

The total number of cases since the start of the pandemic is 160,759. The ministry has confirmed two more deaths - the total is 1,076.

Vaccination. 965,372 people have had at least one dose, 86.26% of the target population and 1,249 more than on Monday. With the complete course - 929,242 (83.04%) and an increase of 705.