Convicted of shooting his dog in the head on a Selva farm

Agents of the Seprona of the Guardia Civil investigated what happened after the discovery of the lifeless body of the animal. | Alejandro Sepúlveda


His name was 'Messi', he was a Ca de Bestiar and almost two years old. His owner decided in March 2018 to end his life by shooting him in the head on a farm in Selva. The animal died almost instantly. The accused, 79 years old, wasyesterday in court in Palma and accepted a sentence of 16 months in prison and the prohibition of having animals for three and a half years. The man will not actually go to prison as his lawyer reached an agreement with the Prosecutor's Office so that the prison sentence will be suspended for a period of two years, provided that he does not reoffend during that period and that he takes a training course on animal protection.

The tragic event dates back to March 2018. The defendant, 79 years old, took his dog to a secluded place in the town of Selva with the intention of ending his life. The dog was only one year and ten months old. The man tied the dog to the lower part of a metal grate at one end and at the other, half a metre away, with a slipknot to the neck. He then shot the dog in the head. Days later, someone found the dead animal with a bullet wound in the skull and reported the facts to the Civil Guard, which began an investigation to try to clarify everything that had happened. The investigation led the agents of the Seprona (Nature Protection Service) to the suspect, who was charged by a Court of Inca for a crime of animal abuse.

Yesterday the man was summoned to account in the courts of Via Alemania, in Palma, and acknowledged before the judge his guilt and having executed the dog. He accepted a16 month prison sentence and the prohibition to have animals for the next three and a half years. The man will not go to prison if he does not commit a crime in the next two years and undergoes a training course on animal protection. Initially, the Prosecutor's Office asked for a year and a half of imprisonment for the defendant.