Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Friday, January 14

Test rate is down almost four points

A third of people testing positive. | Reuters


The Friday report from the health ministry indicates 3,494 new positive cases of coronavirus. These are 609 fewer than were reported on Thursday. By island, and with some unassigned - Mallorca 2,558, Ibiza 505, Minorca 218, Formentera 32. On Thursday, the cases were Mallorca 3,045, Ibiza 672, Minorca 236, Formentera 35.

The test rate for the 3,494 cases is 31.86%. On Thursday it was 35.54%. The seven-day positivity test rate is 35.42%.

The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics is 2926.1 up from 2698.1; Mallorca 2806.5 from 2633.6; Minorca 3180.6 from 3074.0; Ibiza 3558.0 from 2919.1; Formentera 1990.9 from 1797.7.

The seven-day incidence, which went down slightly on Thursday, is up again - from 1017.6 to 1220.0.

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On hospital wards there are 316 Covid patients, a decrease of four - Mallorca 263 (-6), Ibiza 42 (+3), Minorca eleven (-1). In ICU, the Covid occupancy rate is up to 24.92%, one more patient - Mallorca 75 (-1), Ibiza five (+1), Minorca four (+1).

Primary care in the Balearics is monitoring 55,396 people, an increase of 2,652; in Mallorca 44,069, an increase of 1,873.

There have been 174,197 cases since the start of the pandemic and 1,085 deaths - the ministry has confirmed one more death.

Vaccination - 970,633 people have had at least one dose, 86.73% of the target population and 1,476 more than on Thursday. The complete course - 932,541, 83.33% and 613 more.