Sant Elm sand nothing to do with Tonga volcano

This would normally be under water. | Sa Finestra d'Andratx


Earlier in January, an area of sand started to emerge in a rocky area in Sant Elm. Residents say they have never seen something on this scale. In summer, small narrow strips sometimes appear, which are almost imperceptible.

It has been suggested that this phenomenon has something to do with the volcanic eruption in Tonga. However, the sand was visible prior to this, and Àngel Amores of the University of the Balearic Islands' Sea Level and Climate Research Group says that "it has absolutely nothing to do with it".

"The emerged sand is due to the fact that we have a continuous and stable episode of very high atmospheric pressure. The high pressure goes back to at least until January 10. Since then, it has been at very high and especially stable levels. The normal thing is for there to be more oscillation, but it has been highly stable.

"With a return to lower atmospheric pressures or a storm, it is to be expected that it will be submerged again, especially if it is an area that is not particularly deep."