Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Tuesday, February 1

Five more deaths have been reported

Test rate continues to fall. | Reuters


The Tuesday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 1,794 new positive cases of coronavirus, 575 more than on Monday, but an increase that could have been anticipated because of a lack of testing on Sunday that was behind the Monday figure. On Monday, there were 1,012 new cases in Mallorca, 146 in Ibiza, 17 in Minorca and two in Formentera. The Tuesday cases are more representative - Mallorca 1,224; Minorca 284; Ibiza 232; Formentera ten. Even so, the Tuesday number is down on what it was at the end of last week - 2,190 reported on Saturday.

Covid-19 cases for Tuesday, February 1 2022

The test rate for the 1,794 cases is 24.78%, down from 29.2% on Monday.

The 14-day cumulative incidence rates have all risen - Balearics to 2955.3 from 2790.8; Mallorca from 2536.3 to 2722.5; Ibiza from 3814.2 to 3938.7; Minorca from 3753.6 to 3785.0; Formentera from 1503.7 to 1587.7. The seven-day incidence is up from 850.9 to 874.6.

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The situation in the hospitals has improved. On Monday, the number of Covid patients on wards was up 21. It is now down 13 to 404 - Mallorca 308 (-8), Ibiza 82 (-2), Minorca 14 (-3). In intensive care units, the Covid occupancy rate is 26.10%, three fewer patients - Mallorca 75 (-4), Ibiza ten (-1), Minorca four (+2).

Primary care cases are down again - by 839 to 18,484; Mallorca by 527 to 14,257.

The number of deaths has risen by five to 1,139. Total cases since the start of the pandemic are given as 230,073.

Vaccination - With at least one dose, 983,832, 87.91% of the target population and an increase of 224. With the complete course, 940,352, 84.03% and 460 more.