Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Thursday, February 3

Indicators mostly down

ICU occupancy is coming down. | Archive


The Thursday report from the Balearic health ministry shows that indicators are down except for Covid ward admissions. The number of patients is up six to 396 - Mallorca 300 (+9), Ibiza 79 (-5), Minorca 17 (+2). In intensive care units, the Covid occupancy rate is down to 23.17%, four fewer patients to 79 - Mallorca 67 (-4), Ibiza nine, Minorca three.

Four more deaths have been reported, increasing the total since the start of the pandemic to 1,146.

The number of daily positive cases is down 261 to 1,412 - Mallorca 1,014, Minorca 203, Ibiza 119, Formentera eight, plus unspecified. The test rate for these cases is 25%, lower than the 26.52% for the 1,673 cases on Wednesday. The seven-day positivity test rate is down from 28.09% to 27.12%.

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The seven-day cumulative incidence for the Balearics is down from 834.0 to 757.4. The 14-day rates are all down - Balearics 2401.0; Mallorca 2198.7; Minorca 3316.6; Ibiza 3124.6; Formentera 1318.9.

The number of primary care cases, which is fluctuating greatly, is down 3,649 from Wednesday to 16,466 for the Balearics and down 2,569 to 12,959 for Mallorca.

Vaccination - At least one dose, 984,704, 87.89% of the target population and 531 more people than on Wednesday. The complete course, 941,936, 84.71% and 1,120 more.