Majorca tourism

Car rental prices to go up 40%

The lack of microprocessors in European manufacturers since 2020 means there will be fewer cars available. | Gemma Andreu


This year, the Balearic Islands will be the Mediterranean holiday destination where the prices of rental cars will increase the most, specifically in the high season months, due to the lack of vehicles because the manufacturers cannot meet the orders of the rental car companies in Mallorca and the rest of the islands.

All the car rental companies are in the same situation, according to the Agrupación Empresarial de Alquiler de Vehículos (Aevab) and the Asociación de Balear de Empresas de Alquiler (Baleval). Both employers' associations agree that the average price increase will be over 40% compared to last year.

The problem lies in the fact that the tourist forecasts for the next season are very positive, both by European airlines and by German and British tour operators.

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The president of Baleval, Antoni Masferrer, points out: "It is the law of supply and demand. The companies have done everything possible to bring in more cars, but it is impossible due to all the technical constraints (lack of microprocessors at the manufacturers). This will cause prices to rise, but it must also be said that those prevailing to date were the cheapest on the market".

For Ramón Reus, president of Aevab, the situation is very worrying: "The lack of 50,000 rental cars will have a direct impact on marketing prices. If in a normal year before the pandemic the number of cars was 120,000, now it will not exceed 70,000 in all the Balearic Islands".

The requests of the Aevab and Baleval companies to the manufacturers have increased since the International Tourism Fair, Fitur-Madrid fair in January. The announcement of increased flights from the mainland and European countries from April to the Islands, "is what has increased the requests to the manufacturers, because we understand that we will not be able to meet the demand for rental cars this summer".

Both employers point out that prices will rise progressively. "It was not logical to charge 15 euros per day, hence the price will go up to 100 euros due to this problem of lack of vehicles", they state.