Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Wednesday, February 9

Encouraging numbers

And masks outdoors (officially) not needed from tomorrow. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The corner does appear to have been turned, the Wednesday report from the health ministry indicating 841 new positive cases of coronavirus, 118 fewer than on Tuesday.

On hospital wards, the total number of Covid patients is down 24 to 343, while there are two fewer Covid patients in intensive care units. Primary care numbers are down 1,227 in the Balearics and 1,008 in Mallorca. No more deaths have been reported.

The test rate for the Wednesday cases is up slightly - to 18.37% from 17.8% - but the seven-day rate continues to drop, 22.30% compared with 23.54% on Tuesday. All the islands have fewer new cases with the exception of Formentera - Mallorca 649 (Tuesday 707); Ibiza 81 (95); Minorca 75 (127); Formentera 13 (four).

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The 14-day cumulative incidence is down on all the islands. By comparison with Monday (there was no update on Tuesday), Mallorca is down from 1769.7 to 1592.4, Ibiza from 2184.7 to 1789.5, Minorca from 2768.7 to 2260.5, Formentera from 1033.3 to 907.3. For the Balearics as a whole, this is down from 1897.6 to 1665.5. The seven-day incidence in the Balearics is down from 713.4 to 606.6.

On the wards, there are 258 Covid patients in Mallorca (-12), 72 in Ibiza (-8) and 13 in Minorca (-4). The ICU Covid occupancy rate is down to 17.8% for 61 patients - Mallorca 48 (-2), Ibiza eight, Minorca five.

Primary care is monitoring 11,325 people in the Balearics and 9,226 in Mallorca.